About Opportunity Finance Network (OFN)

OFN Helps Capital Flow Where it Counts

Based in Washington, D.C., Opportunity Finance Network (OFN) is a leading national network of 450 community development financial institutions (CDFIs) nationwide.

Our network of community development loan funds, banks, venture capital funds, and credit unions works to ensure communities underserved by mainstream finance have access to affordable, responsible financial products and services.

OFN is a trusted intermediary between CDFIs and public and private sector partners — foundations, corporations, banks, government agencies, and others. For more than 30 years, our team has helped OFN partners invest in CDFIs to catalyze change and create economic opportunities for people and places traditional finance doesn’t reach.

Money, Strength, Voice

OFN supports CDFIs through three pillars to help underinvested rural, urban, and Native communities join the economic mainstream.


OFN manages $1 billion to help CDFIs lend and invest in markets underserved by mainstream banks.


OFN provides data and research, trainings, and convenings that strengthen and scale the CDFI industry for greater impact.


OFN raises awareness of CDFIs and amplifies the voice of the industry through public policy advocacy and communications.

United States map

OFN Member Impact

Through 2022, OFN’s network originated $111 billion in financing in rural, urban, and Native communities across all 50 states, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

See where and how this capital makes an impact.

OFN Strategic Plan

Learn about OFN priorities over the next three years in our 2022-2024 strategic plan.

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About CDFIs

CDFIs finance opportunity in urban, rural, and Native communities.

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Financing Opportunities

OFN offers numerous opportunities for investors to catalyze change through CDFIs.

Invest in CDFIs

Policy Advocacy

OFN helps shape public policy that enables CDFIs to make greater impact nationwide.

Partner with Us



OFN hosts multiple events to help CDFIs grow and strengthen.

See Events
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Current Initiatives

OFN initiatives help CDFIs build thriving communities.

See Initiatives
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Resource Library

OFN is a premier source of CDFI industry-related research.

See Research
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Support creating opportunity for all by becoming part of our network.

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