Have questions about OFN and the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund or Clean Communities Investment Accelerator?
Visit FAQsAccess to Capital
Community development financial institutions (CDFIs) are specialized lenders that bring capital to low-income, low-wealth communities. CDFI financial products and services support small businesses, affordable housing, community facilities, and more nationwide.
About OFN
Opportunity Finance Network (OFN) is the leading national network of CDFIs and a financial intermediary. OFN increases capital flow, strengthens CDFIs, and amplifies the voice of the CDFI industry. We partner with investors, funders, and policymakers to align capital with opportunity.
CDFIs Invest in Change
Key Priorities
CDFIs advance economic opportunity, combat persistent poverty, create climate resilience, and more.
OFN Financing
OFN financing accelerates the work of its member CDFIs serving communities experiencing disproportionately high rates of poverty and disinvestment.
Partnering with the Public Sector
OFN is the leading voice for the CDFI industry. Policymakers turn to CDFIs to drive transformational capital to historically underinvested rural, urban, and Native communities.