Small Printing Business Gets Growing with Accion Support
Client: AA Printing Service
Client Location: Las Vegas, NV
CDFI: Accion, serving Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas
CDFI Service Area: AZ, CO, NV, NM, TX
Sometimes inspiration hits where you least expect it. For John Pinnington, inspiration came in the form of a need. He needed a print shop that could do a quick turnaround, but in even in an urban center like Las Vegas, he was unable to find one. So John was inspired to create this much-needed service by launching AA Printing Service. Offering next-day business needs, he was filling a critical gap in a city that is one of the foremost Conference hosts in the country.
John, who grew up in Belize and spent 10 years serving in the British military, knew that “the discipline and ingenuity” he had gained through his service would help him in this venture. And he knew he could take his talents and forge ahead in Las Vegas, “I am motivated by the potential of what this country has to offer and inspired by how successful I can be if I work hard,” he said.
Since 2011, AA Printing has provided this niche service, supporting hundreds of businesses, residents, and organizations along with the out-of-town business traveler with same day printing. His shop has grown from a one-man operation to a staff of five full-time employees.
In 2016, John needed additional capital go grow his business, but first he needed to build credit. At a local Urban Chamber of Commerce meeting, he learned about Accion, serving Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas. Accion helped John refinance and consolidate his other loans, building his credit so he could access efficient capital.
Today, John sees Accion, a Wells Fargo Diverse Community Capital (DCC) recipient, as a partner to his success and notes, “AA Printing and Accion are working in tandem to grow the business and it has been great!”