Meet the Interns: Aaron Ngo Talks Portfolio Management, D.C. Summer Living, and More

Joey Dunn

Aaron Ngo OFN intern

Each summer, OFN interns make outstanding contributions to the community development finance field, and this year is no different. Our five interns share a passion for OFN’s work and a desire to grow the CDFI industry. To introduce you to these remarkable future leaders, strategic communications intern Joey Dunn is sitting down with a different intern each week. They will talk OFN, CDFIs, summer fun, their personal backstories, and even time travel. We’ve also asked each supervisor to share a few words about his or her intern.  

This week, we learn a little more about OFN financial services intern Aaron Ngo and the role he is playing at the organization this summer.  

Name: Aaron Ngo 

Bio: Aaron is a financial services intern at OFN. Aaron grew up in Cheltenham, Pennsylvania, within walking distance of Philadelphia. Aaron is a rising senior at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He will earn his bachelor’s degree in business administration at the Ross School of Business.  

OFN Department: Financial Services Intern 

Major & School: Bachelor Business Administration at the University of Michigan 

Hometown: Cheltenham, Pennsylvania  

Hidden Talent: “Rock paper scissors” extraordinaire  

“Aaron has been a very strong addition to the OFN team. Investing in CDFIs requires robust financial analysis while at the same time appreciating the creative ways that CDFIs produce impact. Aaron understood this right away, and he has been highly collaborative, and detail oriented in performing risk analysis and generally lending a hand with many of our tasks.”

– Lisa Wright – Senior Vice President of Financial Services at OFN

What made you apply to OFN? 

I was attracted to OFN for a few reasons. I thought that working at OFN would be a really good way to spend my summer in a cool city like DC. Additionally, my role as a financial services intern lets me directly apply what I have learned in business school. Most importantly, working at OFN grants me the opportunity to learn a lot and to hopefully make a difference.  

Tell us about some of the projects you are working on. How will they help OFN and/or the industry? 

My current projects include a portfolio review of several CDFIs, helping the financial team to conduct an annual review, reviewing loans, and doing risk analysis to ensure everything is still in good standing. I think my work along with Josh’s (fellow financial services intern) helps OFN to better understand its member CDFIs and help capital flow throughout industry. 

What have you learned about OFN and the CDFI industry that you didn’t know when you started? 

I have learned much more about the intricacies and the functions of the relationship between CDFIs and banks along with the relationship between CDFIs and the government. I have enjoyed learning much more detail about the industry, specifically about nonprofits and finance, that I didn’t learn in school.  

What are you up to this summer when you’re not at OFN? 

I am having a lot of fun exploring DC in my free time. When I’m not sightseeing, I’m binging on New Girl, going for runs, or reading a good book. It’s been a great time in D.C. thus far, and I’m excited to experience more throughout the summer.   

If you could travel back in time, where would you travel? 

I think traveling back to the Roman Empire might be pretty cool. I would get a chance to actually use the Latin I learned in high school. Plus, I would be interested to check out the coliseum and maybe watch the ancient government in action.  

What are you going to take away from this experience? 

I think OFN has taught me the important skill of asking good questions along with many of the intricacies of the CDFI industry and the nonprofit world. OFN has a really wonderful staff full of vibrant and inviting individuals. I’ve noticed many of the employees highlighting their coworkers’ accomplishments and talents. I will also miss all the office’s great snacks.


Learn more about OFN’s internship program and other career opportunities at OFN.  
