Join the New Marketing and Communications Community on CDFI Connect!

Are you a CDFI marketing and communications professional? Do you work in another CDFI role and want to learn more about how to conduct effective outreach to key audiences? Sign up today for the brand-new CDFI Marketing & Communications Community on CDFI Connect to share insights and resources, ask questions, and learn more about CDFI marketing and communications best practices, tips, and more!

CDFA Connect Community logo for marketing and communications

This community aims to serve as the go-to place for all things CDFI marketing and communications as we continue our collective efforts to amplify the voice of our industry and importance of our work.

Exchange knowledge, share resources and events, connect with colleagues, ask questions, and more. See the “Events” and “Library” sections of the community for events and resources already posted — and start sharing your own. Our communities, our nation, and our world cannot afford for CDFIs to remain a “best-kept secret!”

For more information about joining CDFI Connect and the CDFI Marketing & Communications Community, please contact OFN’s Elizabeth Specht at
